Destination travel is all the rage right now. Instagram is filled with pictures and videos of anglers in far-flung locales, chasing exotic fish on 12-weight rods, and generally having the time of their life.
I’ll admit, a bit of jealousy creeps in when I see those posts. I’d love to be somewhere warm right now. Instead, I’m thawing out from a deep freeze that’s turned everything into mud. At least it’s not 20 below anymore.
So, if you’re like me, and you have Ferrari taste on a Honda budget, especially where fly-fishing trips are concerned, you should read this recent story from Todd Tanner in Hatch Magazine.
Tanner walks you through a few tips to help you become a stellar angler, without making the trek to the Amazon, Patagonia, Iceland, or anywhere else. Yes, some of those anglers fishing in those places are incredible. But it’s possible to become just as accomplished as they are, Tanner claims, by focusing on his tips.
They include working on your attitude, having a growth mindset, picking the correct gear (not necessarily the most expensive), and spending as much time as possible fishing with dry flies. Dry-fly fishing will teach you a ton, Tanner says, “because you’ll have the opportunity to see everything good, and everything bad, about each cast and each drift. Then you can take what you learn to your nymphing, and your streamer fishing, and your soft-hackle game.”
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